I could not wait to fly into Greenville, SC, to see my best friend Steph and her newest little addition, Jack Christopher Robnett. He was the most relaxed baby I have ever seen. That's the trend with the Robnetts' babies thus far... they come out super relaxed and content with everything in life. What a gift, right? And praise the Lord for flying Southwest Airlines... round trip was nothing and they even check all your bags for free! That is such good news for mommas traveling with toddlers.
We had THE best time, although my poor child had a couple of bumps and bruises and infections along the way. Ear infection made worse by the plane, then falling down some brick steps face first. One trip to Urgent Care and some antibiotics, however, and he was better.
I definitely needed that girl time with Steph... painting nails, watching sappy Nicholas Sparks movies, eating way too much candy corn, and of course loving on all our little additions. It was great to see Charlie and Paisley too, and to see their new home and what an amazing job Steph did in completely outfitting and decorating it after moving in just one week before Jack came along. That's right... one week! Not sure if she slept that week, but it paid off and is so homey and so lovely.
glow stick bathtub time |
Jack and Steph who got her pre prego body back in NO time! |
Morning coffee for us and bubbles for the kiddos |
Nola loves when we all wear hats |
Dress up |
After his big fall. I really thought he had a concussion he hit so hard. PTL he did not! |
Playground time and Nola is loving it |
Do you think he's sick? Not like this child to cling to momma's knees when there are slides around. |
Some JT jammin out while we prep dinner |
Paisley! |
Family shot |
Look at this cute little chunk! |
Chalk time |
Steph drew his favorite thing ever |
They l o v e d riding in the wagon on our way to feed the ducks |
The swarm was like Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds," only with geese. |
"Come on Weeyum! Let's go!" (He's still a little new on his feet and so a little slow :)) |
Playing with the wheels as we push them around |
Headed to visit their new church |
Love her! |
Checked out an awesome airplane playground where you can actually watch some airplanes take off. |
<3 |
Showing me the airplanes. "Erpwane! Neeeroooom!" |
Cuties |
At Tupelo Honey Cafe = delicious. |
Me and jelly monster |
Buds |