Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving with Friends

Due to living much farther away from Georgia this Thanksgiving and having plans to fly home for Christmas, Matthew and I stayed in Colorado for this holiday.  We were grateful to have other friends in the Dentac residency who were staying here also.  So we decided to have a Thanksgiving potluck, and it was so great!  We had a great time eating together, listening to Christmas music, and playing the game Quelf.  Everyone was stuffed except for me, who still has the appetite of a seventeen-year-old boy.

Yardwork before company comes over.  Like Matthew's rock arrangement?  What's missing?  Oh yeah, we don't have grass!

Documenting our first real yard work experience since we've gotten married.

Sweet potato souffle, my granny's favorite (and mine!)

Setting the table

Love these Thanksgiving figures from my mom-in-law and pottery vase from Steph.  While out for a morning run (trying to prepare for eating a whole lot, basically), we gathered some dried western plants for the arrangement.

Brie cheese dip with crackers from Jill, homemade collard greens from Shani, turkey, dressing, cranberry and sweet pickles.  Not pictured is the incredible pecan pie cheesecake by Jill.

Something about eating recipes that have been passed down from grandparents and that you remember from childhood... makes me feel like family isn't so far away at least for a night.

Shani's amazing mac n' cheese

Jill's awesome mashed potatoes with gravy

Jill and Shani

Matthew and Rob getting drinks

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cookie Flop

This is just one of the many baking flops I've had while living here in the great high altitude state of Colorado.  Even when I do try baking high altitude recipes and they look normal (not like these that completely sunk), the quality just isn't quite the same.

In 2010, Forbes Magazine voted Colorado the #1 state for having the least amount people with obesity and diabetes.  Do you know why, Forbes Magazine?  Yes, the mountains are compelling and people just can't seems to stop hiking them.  That is one answer.  But the REAL answer is that they can't bake anything!  Oh, how I long for the decadent cakes of The Grit in Athens, GA...the food that suddenly became its own food group and inspired me to start working out just so I could eat more... and the oh-so-fluffy and moist cupcakes at Muddy's Bake Shop in Memphis, TN.

I guess the gorgeous mountain views, the seemingly required dress code of cowboy boots, the crisp air, no humidity and friendly people here will have to make up for all the times I thought I was baking something delicious and ended up with flattened cookies and dried cake.

Cookies are about as deflated as my heart...

In oven at same time as batch above, yet even flatter.  Go figure.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

How Sweet It Is to be Loved by Friends

We have been so blessed by friends the Lord has placed into our lives.  Each friendship encourages us, molds us, teaches us, and just plain makes our lives sweeter.  

This past week, Mark Craddock came all the way from Warner Robins, GA, to stay with us!  Mark and Matthew met in the eighth grade at Westfield in Perry, GA.  They were chosen by their math teacher to be partners for a project.  The project involved baking cookies, just as a funny side note.  (Picturing two middle school boys baking together as their first bonding experience).  Thus, their friendship was sparked.  Mark (and another friend, Jackie) is also credited with being the reason why my husband has such a fascination with cars.  Their friendship makes me laugh, smile, and at times cover my ears when there is too much British car talk going on in reference to their favorite show, Top Gear.  I am so happy that the Lord placed Mark into both of our lives.  He's been such a faithful friend, visiting us in Athens, Memphis, and now in Colorado.

The boys enjoyed driving up Pike's Peak in the Forester.  That is, before the Forester died on our way back from exploring near Leadville, CO.  They also enjoyed going to the local car dealerships, seeing the Air Force Academy, and touring the Broadmoor.  Mark was kind to still put a smile on even when we were getting towed in freezing conditions at night miles outside of town.  Thanks for coming to visit, Mark!
The boys eating tex-mex at Jose Muldoon's, downtown Colorado Springs
As fate would have it, one of my very best friends from Memphis, TN, calls me up saying she is going to be in Denver for job training.  I really couldn't believe it.  Of all the places to have a job training, she was going to be just 1.5 hours away.

Beka Conner and I met through our boys.  Her husband, Clint Conner, was Matthew's dental school bud.  Beka was actually the first person I met when we moved to Memphis, and friendship was automatic.  We all lived on Mud Island together, visited churches together, and eventually all joined the same church.  Clint and Beka introduced us to Grace church, the place that God used to show us more of our sin and really fan our heart's flame for God's Word.  There are so many reasons to love Beka Conner - her heart for the Lord and for helping others in need, the love she shows towards her husband and son, how she is always there to listen and give advice when you need it, her amazing thriftiness and resourcefulness (I thought I was cheap!), the way she pronounces her I's (true Arkansas girl), how she'd rather get a power tool than a diamond necklace for Christmas, and the fact that she is practically Real Simple magazine in the form of a person (you should check out the living room carpet she made from samples and duct tape).  I praise the Lord for this friendship and how I got a sister in Christ with whom I could share those first few years of marriage, working, and being a "dental school widow."  The Lord was so kind to bring us back together, if even for a few hours.

Beka and me after eating at Rock Bottom in Denver, CO

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pottery for the Parentless- First Load

For as far back as I can remember, I've loved to create.  The type of media didn't matter.  Give me crayons, I'd color the paper, the crayon box, and the art table.  Give me carrots and broccoli and ranch dressing at dinnertime, and I'd make a vegetable forest with ranch dressing clouds.  Give me acorns and leaves and grass outside, and I'd made a salad in the dirt.  Whatever it was, there with it was an instinct to turn nothing into something.  There was a desire to give expression to something deeper going on within.  It's incredible how the Lord bestows upon His children various traits of Himself, whether that's creativity, a heart for the poor, hospitality, insightful intellect, a desire to reach the nations, a servant's spirit, etc.  It is a privilege to walk with our very own Creator using the gifts that only He gives.  This is the basis of why I've always, and will always, create.  

The Lord has granted me with a passion that draws me closer to who He is.  I believe He wants me to use this gift in a way that would bring others to know about Him.  One way I hope to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and His love is through Pottery for the ParentlessPottery for the Parentless is a not-for-profit art venture in which the proceeds collected from the selling of handmade pottery go towards the A.M.B.E.R. adoption fund at Grace Church in Memphis, Tennessee.  AMBER stands for Adoption Magnifies the Beauty of Eternal Redemption.  The fund was established to financially assist families in the pursuit of adoption for the sake of sharing God's adopting love.  My hope is that, through the purchase of my pottery, people will not only be contributing towards a family's adoption for the sake of the gospel, but will also have gospel-sharing opportunities as they use the pottery with family and friends on an everyday basis.  As people interact with these handmade, functional wares, I hope that conversations will spark about our Redeemer who has "adopted us as sons" (Romans 8:15, Galatians 4:4-6, Psalm 68:5-6, Ephesians 1:5) and who Himself was adopted into the lineage of David through Joseph.  Our very Creator was "adopted" by Joseph! (If you're interested in more information, read Adopted for Life by Russell D. Moore).

So here it is, the first load.  I will be glazing for the next couple of weeks and then needing to run the pots through one more firing before they are complete.  In the meantime, business cards are getting printed and Etsy site is being finalized.  Goal is to have items posted on (pending no disasters) a week after Thanksgiving.  If you don't see something you're looking for as a Christmas gift, contact me and let's see if I can get that done for you!  

Happy pre-viewing!

Logo designed by my friend, Caryl
Mug assortment

Bowls - deeper for cereal, salad, etc.

Dinner plates

Assortment of pots

No load is ever complete without breakage!

Looking forward to cleaning up the messy studio once pots are cleared out for firing.

Chips n' dip

Slim mugs with experimental handle

Gallon pitchers

Wrapping each pot in bubble wrap to transport to Cottonwood Studios down the street for bisque firing.  The clay is so fragile in this state, so this part takes some time.

Cups with inverted handle for thumb placement

More mugs, experimenting with different body styles and handles

One customer requested a mug with a "big handle," so this is it.

Salt n' pepper shakers with cork insert

Ready to be loaded into the car and fired to bisque.  Next week - Glazing!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Four Months and Counting...

As of this week, I am four months along in pregnancy.  It's hard to believe, but both my growing stomach and extremely large appetite tell me that it's true.  I want to document some of the great (and not-so-great!) things that have come along with this pregnancy thus far.

Week 1 - Complete excitement and utter cluelessness.  Disbelief that this is really happening.   Craaaaving Chic-fil-A...but only the fried stuff!  Lots of fear at the beginning that something will go wrong.  Lots of prayer as a result and learning to trust more in my Maker, who has already determined all of our days (Psalm 139:16).

Weeks 2-9 - Pretty itchy due to eczema, which can oftentimes worsen with the raging hormones of pregnancy.  Still in disbelief.  Feeling bloated and incredibly fatigued.  Stop waking up with Matthew at 5 and start sleeping in to avoid mid-day naps.  Hair and nails look great thanks to these horse-sized vitamin pills!  Nauseated, mostly at nighttime, but not throwing up.  Very strong aversions to peanut butter and mild aversions to meat and vegetables/salad.  No longer craving Chic-fil-A... went there and didn't even want the fries!  Can't even eat candy corn, which used to be my favorite candy.  Very difficult to work out due to nauseated feeling when stomach is still, much less being tossed about.

Week 10 - We see our baby for the first time and hear the heartbeat.  (Actually threw up in the hospital bathroom before the big moment).  Most incredible experience to see that baby with my husband standing next to me in amazement.  Starting to believe this is all happening, and belly is poking out.  No longer sleeping through the night.  Waking up at least two, if not three times, to use the bathroom!

Weeks 10-12 - Throwing up consistently each night and sometimes during the day.  When I'm not throwing up, I'm feeling like I'm going to throw up or itching like crazy.  It's much worse on an empty stomach, so I force myself to snack throughout the day.  This was the most miserable part, but I know I'll do it all over again!

Weeks 13-14 - Nausea has subsided, and I'm able to cook once again.  Matthew is relieved.  Feeling a huge burst of energy and able to work out again. Tummy growing rapidly.

Weeks 15-16 - Leggings/spandex have become my best friend.  People starting to notice the baby bump.  Still itchy but mostly at night.  HUNGER LIKE NEVER BEFORE IN MY LIFE....
-------------------- (posted later)
Weeks 17-19 - Lots of energy.  Feels great to exercise except for the fact that I have to use the bathroom immediately when I start bouncing around.  Still having a huge appetite.

Weeks 19-20 - Find out the sex of our baby at 19 weeks.  It's a boy!  Baby hiccups during ultrasound.  Weight about 13 oz and looks like it's gonna have some long legs.  At end of week 20 we think we've narrowed down his name to William Reid.

Week 21 - Baby starting to kick much more noticeable and hiccup frequently.  Matthew feels baby's hiccups for first time during our flight to GA on December 21.  Very sweet.  I cried :).  Not surprising!...  Family throws us a gender reveal party on the 22nd when we get to spill the beans that it's a boy.  Baby's movements happening a lot more throughout the day and when I lay down at night.  Notice belly actually moving during his movements.  Totally weird! 

11 weeks
16 weeks

The hungry face.  Just finished a very large lunch after church and caught myself already in the cabinets once we got home.

Ethiopian restaurant that is my new favorite place and fulfills a major craving.  I ate more than Matthew and his friend combined.  The sweet lady who owns the restaurant gave me free seconds on Misser Alecha and free dessert for being pregnant and so hungry!  We will definitely be back.

This is how Ethiopian food is eaten - with your hands and Injera, the brownish, amazing, slightly sour, spongy pancake-like bread made from teff.

Hungry yet?  I am...

Halloween Fun with Residents

We have been blessed with the wonderful friendships of Matthew's fellow Dentac residents at Ft. Carson.  We've gotten together for dinner, lunches at Evans Army Hospital on post, girls nights, and now a Halloween bash.  Katie and Chris Lund decided to throw the party.  We all dressed up, brought a dish, and had a great time completely goofing off and dancing to Michael Jackson on the Wii.
Daredevil's food cupcakes w/ mocha buttercream frosting - yum!

Wyatt Earp and Spooky Shani

Katie and Chris Lund - the 70's workout fanatics

Jill and Rob - Princess Leia and Han Solo

Rob and Chris dancing to Beat It by Michael Jackson on the Wii

Pam with her boyfriend, Michael

More MJ moves

Smooth Criminal, "the lean"

Mark and Matthew dancing to Thriller

Cameron with his adorable little girl, Peyton

Dolly Parton and Wyatt Earp.  We're still not sure who invited these strangers...

The 2011 Dentac Residents! (Minus Pam and Cameron)