And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him. ~John 9:2-3
It was this week one year ago that the Lord healed me from the most physically grueling trial of my life. My body reacted to what we later discovered was mold in the ceiling and walls of our apartment. Rather than having a respiratory reaction, it was my skin that showed the effects. I broke out in rashes that started out as mild but grew to become very bad. They eventually covered most all portions of my body and itched constantly. Nothing would relieve the itching other than an ice pack or just staying busy to keep my mind off of it. Sleeping was difficult, to say the least. Matthew would find me laying on our bedroom carpet crying out to God to heal me when rashes flared up just by trying to change my clothes. Depressing feelings began to take over, and all I wanted was to get out of my skin. I tried a gluten-free diet, washing everything I owned in mild detergent, and lots of topical creams and ointments that made the rash spread even further.
After much prayer and doctor's visits, a trip to an allergist was the cure. The allergist asked me about mold. He said he had seen this before with a college student who broke out in mysterious rashes after moving into an old dorm. He recommended I stay with friends for about a week to test it out. Our best friends Charlie and Stephanie Robnett opened up their home to us, and within two days, the rashes had all but disappeared. That week was right before a week mission trip that Matthew and I had planned to take to Serbia. The Lord's timing is so perfect.
After enduring the rashes for about three months, I realized they were finally healed. What's amazing is how the Lord let me know. On Monday morning when driving to work, I was listening to a cd Steph had given me by Kari Jobe. This song, Healer, came on. For the first time in three months, my skin was calm and didn't itch at all. It wasn't until the lyrics that I realized it. "I believe you're my healer. I believe you are all I need. I believe you're my portion. I believe you're more than enough for me. Jesus, you're all I need... Nothing is impossible for you." I broke down, and all I could do was sing and praise the Lord at the top of my lungs. I just remember crying uncontrollably and saying thank you, thank you, thank you. I called my mom who was at home, and she broke down too. I remember stopping by a store on my way home from work and noticing the first blooms of spring. It was as if the Lord was telling me, "I make all things new."
I wouldn't take back this trial. The Lord used it to show me so much of His power and love for His children. We will suffer in this life, because He suffered. "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." ~John 16:33 How would we know His love for us without it? That's the gospel. He suffered on our behalf so that our sins would no longer keep us from a Holy God. He took our sin on his body when he died on the cross, and " His wounds, we are healed." ~Isaiah 53:5
It was no coincidence the Lord had me in a John bible study at the time, where He showed me again the verse from John 9:2-3. Praying that His works would be displayed in my life, both in trials and in triumphs. If you are enduring something painful at this time, I'd love to pray with you. I hope that this post will serve as an encouragement that He IS faithful, He IS in control, and He answers prayer. Amen.
Rash along collar bone |
Back of right shoulder area |
Lastly spreading to eyes and face |
Leak from upstairs apartment that we found as the culprit |