With just two more weeks until we leave our home in Colorado Springs, Colorado, for Clarksville, Tennessee, we decided to take one last weekend adventure to Twin Lakes and Aspen, Colorado. We wanted to experience another part of this beautiful area and to take William around to see the sights of his home state. Matthew also wanted to "break in" his beloved '99 Mustang that had been in storage all winter.
William might not remember it later, but he has already been to the top of Pike's Peak, been fly fishing at Eleven Mile Reservoir, gone hiking at the famous Air Force Academy, driven along Independence Pass, and seen the famous Maroon Bells in Aspen. We are hoping he gets many more outdoor adventures in Tennessee and develops a love of the outdoors and appreciation for God's beautiful creations. Looking forward to future "wimp" camping trips with my baby boy and husband and whoever else would want to join us (i.e. some hiking/fishing by day and s'mores by a campfire singing songs by night!).
At William's two month checkup this week, he was 13.5 lbs (72 percentile) and 24.5"long (82 percentile). He got vaccinations for Pneumonia, Flu, Rotavirus, DTP, and Polio. He didn't like it, but I cried much more than he did. His daffy duck band-aids were pretty cute, though.
We celebrated William's turning two months by removing the swaddle and beginning "cry it out." Happy birthday, right? I know. It's awful. He kept wiggling his left arm out his swaddle to try to suck on his hand when he awoke and realized his paci had fallen out. But when I would try to leave him swaddled with the arm out, he still fussed. Turns out he wanted the WHOLE body out! There are now much fewer grunt noises coming from his room as we heard when he was actually trying to wriggle himself free like a little Houdini.
And if he wakes early from a nap, we are trying to let him "cry it out" to get back to sleep. This seems to be working better than when I would try feeding him. He would only eat for 5 minutes and then just be awake and fussy, rubbing his eyes and yawning as if he was saying, "Put me back to bed!" So far, he has been crying for about 25 minutes and then going back to sleep for the rest of his naptime. It's torture. But having a fussy, overtired baby who is all a mess because he really wants to be asleep is probably worse. So, we are giving CIO (cry it out) a shot. No judging!!!! :)
This past week brought its fair share of tragedy along with it as the Waldo Canyon fire claimed two lives, 346 houses, and over 18,000 acres of beautiful Colorado forest. Record high tempertures and strong wind gusts made this the worst fire Colorado Springs has ever seen, although the initial cause is still unknown (some say arson). We were thankful that our main complaint was a lot of smoke and having to keep all the windows closed in our un-airconditioned house.
Firefighters worked day and night for days to get the fire under control. With 65mph winds and embers blowing distances of 1/2-1 mile across water reservoirs and any barriers they would create, the task seemed insurmountable. The last news report I read said it was now at 55% contained and with much fewer mandatory evacuations. The smoke eventually dissipated enough to where we were able to open back up our windows and get back in the beautiful outdoors.
Waldo Canyon fire at its worst on Wednesday, June 27th |
Tummy time face-off for playtime as I watched the news and we both sweltered indoors without a/c |
Will vs. the lion |
Finalized paint colors, countertops and flooring for our new house. Turns out the flooring in picture was discontinued, so we chose brighton walnut instead. Also decided against using orange color for now. Gray-ish countertop goes in kitchen and tan-ish one in bathrooms, both with white cabinets. Hardware tbd. |
Matthew at the place where we stayed in Twin Lakes, CO |
Breeze felt like we were at the beach! |
Standing at top of Independence Pass |
Maroon Bells |
I am in love with the Aspen trees here and all the colors/textures of the western landscape. Considering this photo as inspiration for guest bedroom color scheme and decor. |
William loving his personal shade tree |
We spent much of this week lying on a blanket watching the news, and sweating. |
Finally captured that smile. Now imagine him doing this while saying, "Gaaaooooohhhh..." Makes my heart melt. |
Can't get enough of that dimple. |
So much fun that I miss him when he's sleeping! |
Another milestone this week |
Got some pretty long and dark eyelashes this week that I love! |
Saturday morning: We put him on our bed while we got dressed to all go on a run together. Five minutes later he fell asleep.. without his swaddle! So it was time to kiss the swaddle days goodbye, much to mom's dismay... |
Pre-run |
Post-run |
Night no. 2 with no swaddle and big boy PJs. He seems to be enjoying the space. |
Bittersweet chapter, for sure--but mostly still sweet! Enjoyed this glimpse into the day-to-day life of Mommy and Daddy and William that I wish I could experience more often, but still I am ever-thankful that you were blessed to have had these experiences there in Colorado Springs. What a beautiful place for W to be born. Looking forward to the next chapter!
Saw it all and thanks for keeping me posted. I love seeing pictures of little William -- makes me feel like I'm watching him grow! I, along with the rest of the family, look forward to having you three closer to Georgia.
ReplyDeletelots of love, VeeVee