Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sweet friendship

I can't think of a better way to be welcomed back to Tennessee than your best friends from Memphis saying they'll be there the very same day, and that they'd be bringing with them food, some folding chairs, and an air mattress for a weekend stay!  It's a special pair of people who would come to stay with us in a completely empty house, without hot water (well, we realized that later :)), and with a mouse problem (realized that later, too!...oh and no more mice now!).  We got to see their precious little one-year-old girl, Nola, and they even brought our favorite dog, Paisley!  We are so happy to be closer to them now - a three hour drive from Clarksville to Memphis rather than 18 hours from Colorado Springs.  They are a gift from the Lord of true friendship.  Already, their visit has made our new and unfamiliar house seem much more like home.

Favorite memories of the weekend:
--exploring our new town for the first time altogether
--stopping at the napping in car, then Nola exploring while I nursed William with a/c on full blast, boys catching up and meeting a stranger who wants to know more about the Lord
--boys grabbing food for us from local Indian restaurant and us all eating in our folding chairs in an empty living room
--boys smoking celebratory cigars on the back deck as sun goes down and girls joining them after babies go down
--eating salted watermelon on back deck watching the stars, talking, and warding off mosquitos
--Playing guitar and making up silly songs for babies
--seeing Nola, getting to know her personality and see how grown up she is getting
--staying in pajamas
--warding off mice in the basement
--girls envisioning ideas for house and yard
--going on a walk with Steph and Paisley
--cuddling Paisley...Paisley roaming the hard floor until a soft blanket is put down for her...spoiled rotten! :)

Stranger walks up to boys at Riverwalk as they were discussing the Lord and they all end up in discussion and prayer

Mama and baby at Riverwalk

Beautiful mama!

Adorable even when she's having a meltdown.  Love this face!!

Beautiful girl in her bubble outfit

Nola just picked up walking and running and is exploring moving around with her new-found legs

Love y'all!

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