Thursday, November 29, 2012

Self Feeding

William started self-feeding around mid-November.  We knew he was ready when he kept reaching for the spoon and got such a kick out of feeding himself with it (aka dousing himself with it).

Bring on more dishcloths!

Experimenting with soft apple and veggie puffs.  He can hold onto the puffs really well.

It's inside his hand


Going for it
Gets a good bite of his fist

Try again!

Figuring out how to hold it right

Sometimes he tries with both hands.

And sometimes he gets frustrated.

So far he keeps working at it.  He seems pretty determined about getting that food in his belly!

Working together and practicing

This is where a dog comes in handy
 He is showing his personality more and more these days, too.  I've been trying to work out from home again with tae bo dvds.  William will usually wake up from his nap before I'm done, so he hangs out in the bouncer or with toys on the floor watching mommy and Billy Blanks.  He gets a kick out of it.

Love that face

Trying to understand that big glowing box thing :)


Sometimes he gets tired

And sometimes he "talks to" his playmates

And sometimes he makes these really hilarious faces

Exercising too


  1. He is such a handsome, happy little guy!!! Man. We miss you guys. Thanks for sharing the great pics of all his facial expressions! Those are priceless. :) Love the monogrammed bib, too! Much love.

  2. Whoooo, that's a mad face in one photo--thankfully a rarity! Miss feeding this little fella but am so glad we had the chance to do that at Thanksgiving! Loved the food faces--and especially enjoyed the 7 mos. video of this little jabbering, toe-grabbing, da-daing cutie! XXXOOO
