Thursday, February 28, 2013

Ten Months - Changing Baby

 My baby is rapidly changing from an adorable blob (sorry hon) to, like, a person!  Who can communicate and move and somewhat tell you what he's thinking and stuff like that!

He is (pretty much) 10 months old.  He won't get an official ten month bday this month because February 30th does not exist.  So we're celebrating early!  And he has multiple new developments just in the past WEEK.

The Latest

1. Understands that objects have words associated with them
Occasionally responds to objects with 'gah' and 'dah', which makes us laugh.  Knows what we are talking about when we say bear, water, night night, kisses, milk, crawl, and probably others that we don't realize.  Points to animals in books and waits for a response, then points to another.

Saturday morning snugglin

Captivated by the interactive books
2. Communication
Makes a big noise and laughs when you notice him for it.  Has developed an "I'm ready to get out of the booster seat now" plea as another way to communicate.  Reaches for his sippy cup.

3. Understands when he's asked a question
Before putting him into his crib, I'll say, "William, where's bear?"  He knows to look for bear in his crib.  Today, he actually pointed to his crib and said, "gah."  And when asked, "William, can you give me kisses?"... he attacks your cheek with his mouth wide-open and laughs hysterically.  It's pretty much the best thing ever.

mommy kisses

william kisses
 4. Discovery
He has discovered clapping, and it makes him REALLY excited.  Especially if you do it with him, clapping his hands with yours.  We've been playing lots of patty cake, patty cake, baker's man.  Which is an odd rhyme but guess they weren't written for 28 year olds.

5. Fourth tooth 
That fourth tooth finally poked it's nasty mean-ol-you-know-what self through today.  That tooth has been the source of many sleepless / wakeful nights, depending on the perspective!

See it?
6. Tummy Control
Not using nearly as many burp cloths as I once did for this big spitter-upper :).

7. Strength & Mobility
He's becoming more and more mobile, just in a variety of directions other than forward motion.  He'll end up squished underneath something and then smile as if to say, "Look at me, mommy!"...then pout as if to say, "Um, a little HELP?!"  He can hold onto his crib railing for a very long time standing up unassisted and is trying to pull up on his own.

Workin on his fit-ness

Hard to button the onesie on changing table with him wiggling everywhere

yeah I can't do that


Going after all his toys
 Photos are a funny thing.  You might not think we've had a couple of rough weeks here at home, but this teething stuff has been rough!  And it came on the tail end of his week long sickness.  Then Matthew got sick.  Then I got a 24 hr stomach bug.  Tie into that numerous night wakings and some fussy days with our little precious one and it's a hot mess.

I saw this face a lot the past two weeks.  Notice where that hand is going.  To the dreaded FOURTH tooth.
But sometimes if I snap some photos in the midst of it, and step back and look at them sorta like how you would step away from the canvas as you're painting it or look at it through a mirror.  It gives you an entirely new perspective.  In this case it was one that said, hey, it's all worth it!

1 comment:

  1. LOVED this update!!! I know it was tough, Mommy, but you hung in there and William loves you for it! Precious photos will help you remember the sweet part of a tough season! The last posted photo is the perfect up-shot of that mean ol' finally erupted fourth tooth (thanks, Ya Ya didn't want to miss the 3-toothed-monster phase or the "big moment" when the tough one came thru!). The "See it"" shot with his name behind him makes the PERFECT 10-mos. portrait, even if it's not in the blue chair! How cute and how sweet this little rascal is!
