Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Little Lion Man

I can't believe William is 6 months old.  It's true what they say - it goes by quickly.


But don't let that adorable dimpled grin fool you.  Six months has brought with it a surge of unhappiness, irritability, whining...things we *think are related to more teeth coming in.  But who knows.

It is challenging to listen to your baby cry and not be able to soothe him.  The whining also wears on one's patience.  Thankful we can go to God in prayer and pray that He would soothe and calm him...and cause our hearts to trust Him that all trying things are "for our good" (rom. 8:28).  He has been waking up every 2-3 hours at night, sometimes crying for an hour before settling back down. These are things he did when the first two teeth came in.  He goes through spurts of happiness and sorrow.

not happy

Since Halloween fell on a Wednesday this year, Matthew wasn't able to be home due to moonlighting.  And since I'd eaten most all our Halloween candy to give out anyway, William and I set out together for his first trick-or-treating adventure.  Since he's not really eating candy yet, we used it as an opportunity to meet some of our neighbors.

Something about Halloween makes it a little more ok to walk up to a stranger's door at night to introduce yourself...

William was pretty sleepy the whole time and didn't seem to enjoy it as much as I did.  But he sure was cute.

Stuffed with a pillowcase and about 10 pairs of baby socks for the feet
Ok mommy, one smile :)

First trick-or-treating.  Who looks more excited?

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww--mixed emotions about this post: sorry Daddy didn't get to be part of this first Trick or Treat outing...glad you got to share a pretty fall evening with Lil Dub and the neighbors (you definitely were the happy one!), and totally tickled to see the photos of his cuteness in his lion get-up! Mama, you KNOW he's sweeter than any baby boy ever, so don't go talkin' 'bout my baby!!! He put up with all that stuffing and situating against the pumpkin and smiled through it without a clue what you were doing it for! Love him and miss him--can't wait to see y'all soon!!!
