Friday, July 26, 2013

July Visit at Mimi and Pop Pop's House

Our last stop before heading home was to Macon to see Mimi and Pop Pop.  We ate (some more delicious food!), visited with more extended fam, napped (me!!), baked, and played tons with William.  He loved taking the cars and trucks and trains around saying "vroom vroom", banging on all the musical instruments, and especially using the rocking chair for climbing.  We have an all-boy on our hands!

Jammin out with Pop Pop

Not sure who's having more fun here :)

Dad showing William how to play Jerry Lee Lewis-style

William loved all the cars and trains

Peek-a-boo with Pop Pop's PE scarves

Peek-a-boo never gets old!

Our climber loved Mimi's rocking just made the rest of us a little nervous!

Loved crawling into chair and sitting himself down to read books...


He found that he enjoyed sitting sideways the most

Finding more books to read with Mimi

Fun times

Silly boy

Sweet family picture

Cousins and more family came over to hang out... here's Ashley playing William a song... he loved the music AND her iPhone!

Playing with my my dearest Aunt Mary-Anne!

William wanting some daddy love while he hangs out with my cousin Jes

This is a typical family evening with our family after a big meal.... sit around talking and listening to music and eventually doing something very fun but random like dancing or magic tricks :)

Polly and Ashley looking so pretty <3

Will tryin on cousin Jes' flatbill and getting swallowed whole

Piano with Jes

My dad LOVES magic tricks.  So he pulled out some out of a hat (get it?), and so did we!

Matthew surprised us with this awesome card trick

Jes is   s t u m p e d!

Oh and we found this little guy outside.  But he's not poisonous.  Just incredibly creepy.

1 comment:

  1. Will looks WAY too big in that chair. I'm dying to see him!!!

    Love the picture of MA, your dad and Will on his shoulders. Absolutely precious.

    Last, but not least, the snake gives me the heebie
