Tuesday, August 7, 2012

3 Month Milestones: Expression and Tasty Hands

Our little baby hit another milestone during our transition from CO to TN.  He turned three months old, and he is more expressive than ever.  He also loves to use his hands, primarily to suck on them.  He has been swatting at toys and making the funniest faces in the process.  He has started smiling more than ever, and he loves to shoot us the biggest grin to get you to respond in return.  He squeals and laughs when tickled and will burst into laughter for no apparent reason.  We are loving it!

Will and zebra meet again

...or will I choose the lion this time?

Wait for it...


Will you be my friend?

We can make silly faces together.

But don't try to mess with me.

Or I will strike.

Silly lion, we are going to be the best of pals.

Our no-longer-homeless baby celebrates three months

Mmmmm yummy hands. yum yum yum.

1 comment:

  1. Chuckling still as I post this...love the captions as much as the photos--too funny! Love this little smiley-faced child!
