Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hillises Bring the Beach!

Matthew's parents came to stay with us recently for a wedding they were attending in Nashville.  We are due for a beach trip with them come September.  But since that's still a few months out, they brought the "beach" to us!  Thanks grandmama and granddaddy!

One sandbox and a kiddie pool equals William's new awesome summer fun activities.

First time in his sandbox

Figuring out how these tools work

Pool time! (naked baby alert!)

Aunt Bec Bec came to visit!

The Lixeys came over one night for family dinner.

Sawyer loved the sandbox as well.  

The guys watched kids while the ladies went house hunting for Nicki and Brian

Summer nights with kiddos!

William loved snuggles from granddaddy after getting his nighttime "bath" in the pool.  

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