Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Toddler Beginnings

Matthew always has a way of saying things to lighten the mood when I'm feeling stressed or upset.

Like last night ... I came in from our church's Backyard Bible Clubs after Matthew had put William down.  Matthew is keeping William from 6-8pm each night this week so that I can go help with crafts.  I come home and, rather than being ecstatic that my husband played with William, fed him dinner, cleaned him up and put him soundly to bed... I am fretting about the few beads remaining that were spilled on the living room floor, the (3 or 4) books still lying on the table, and the trace amounts of dried food still on the floor after he's already sweetly mopped it.  Matthew could have gotten upset and (rightfully) felt unappreciated and nagged.  Instead he just smiled and said, "Um, babe?.. We do have a toddler."

We do have a toddler.  And it's a beautiful, wonderful thing.  So thankful for this man who doesn't deal with my sin as it could be dealt with but loves me (and laughs at me!) through it.  And for a house with the sound of WHOOSSSsshhhHH as our one year old discovers the giant box of beads from the craft box before moving onto other toddler things like diving off the sofa or unfolding the folded laundry.  As William discovers this world around him, I have a feeling I'll be discovering a lot too about dying to my own idols, embracing accidents with grace and love, letting go the fear of him  ever getting hurt, etc etc.

Here are some pictures of this little guy's recent adventures toddling around the house...

"Helping" me sort laundry.  AKA opening drawers and pulling out clothes and sweetly handing them to me.

Reading at his favorite spot - the dishwasher

More helping with laundry

Loves to share his big boy breakfast food (aka giant waffle)

He does this all the time

Fully weaned and guzzling two+ gallons of organic whole milk a week.  Yep.

I tried keeping him off the couches.  It worked for like, an hour.

Loves to play with his toy cars or anything with wheels and carry it with him on his adventures.

Checking out the distance...

Going for it (I grabbed his leg after he dove for the floor)

"What's wrong mama?  Do I make you nervous?"

moving = constant :)

I love when he reads his books upside-down

Other developments

He'll put my cell phone to his ear (more like the back of his head) and start babbling.  Then he offers me the phone.

He knows that if he "accidentally" drops his bear out of his crib, mama will come in and bring it back to him.

In big boy convertible carseat now (it's about time!).

He understands that we pray before each meal and will sometimes bow his head and then raise both hands for "Amen!"

He just got two more teeth on the bottom... so he now has 8 total.

He is cruising and walking with a walker.  But not yet walking unassisted.

He started signing, all of a sudden!  Signs for more, please (occasionally), and milk (except does this for everything except milk).  We are primarily focusing on please and thank you and more.

We've started flashcards and he is always bringing them to me to "play" flashcards with him.

He still loves books, but he quickly wants to get back down to crawl and explore.  He's SO active.

Still taking two two-hour naps a day!  But if he misses a morning nap he'll take a longer afternoon one and be okay.

Favorite things that make him laugh hysterically: being chased, dogs

Says dada, mama, "oo" for woof, and "da-gah" which I think is thank you.

He is still heavily in the separation anxiety phase.  He cries a lot in church nursery, so please pray he will have peace and understanding that mama and daddy are coming back!


  1. Such a big boy! Is that green chair a toddler chair? Couldn't tell.

  2. Enjoyed catching up on this recent phase. Didn't know I was missing posts...always enjoy them. Miss y'all.
