In true Mills-Wilson loving fashion, they always help us with the projects Matthew and I have usually somewhat started, attempted, and then left half-done with a big "we'll get to it...sometime!" :) It's always more motivating for me to have someone else step in and give that extra push and assistance to finish a task. And since mom and Paul know about plants (and we don't), we tackled the front yard! Of course there was lots of snuggling with lil' bit as well.
Now the real challenge is if I can keep these plants alive.........
William with YaYa and PopPop |
Looking at the new pretty flowers |
Checking out the lavendar |
Got a couple new Cleyera bushes (right), a gardenia (right front), two hydrangeas, some hostas, and then some midwestern type flowers. |
Japanese maple coming this fall. We were too afraid to plant something that large in this heat. |
Still needs more distinct bed lines, irrigation and mulch |
<3 |
Waving to cars |
Cute toes |
Giggles with Pop Pop |
Love having coneflowers. They remind me so much of our time in Colorado. |