Tuesday, June 4, 2013


For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 
~Galatians 5:14

With springtime comes more folks outside and thus more opportunities to get to know all the neighbors who have been hibernating through the winter months.  So recently we have tried to take advantage of this and get out of hibernation ourselves.  

There's a part of all of us that longs for that sense of real community.  But how do we find it?  Social media helps making connections, but it doesn't completely satisfy.  It requires person to person, a little faith and some serious initial awkwardness...

One of our neighbors, Steve, has been so kind to help us with our lawn mowing issues.  He and Matthew worked on our (el cheapo) mower to fix a part that wasn't working.

We've also gotten to know Barb and Buddy across the street, and William cannot get enough of their puppy.  Buddy mentioned that we could borrow any yard tool we ever need, and Barb said to come over whenever.

We saw some other neighbors outside one afternoon and went to introduce ourselves.  Lynn started cutting her beautiful blooms for us.  Our kitchen/dining room smelled like fresh peonies for a week.

So in conclusion...

A little neighborly-ness may initially feel weird and awkward, but if your experience is like ours you'll probably end up on the receiving end of the reward.  We had nothing to give but a hello, and we got mower fixing, free tool rental, gorgeous spring blooms, and new relationships with people who, on the surface, we have nothing in common!

The next step is having these people over for dinner more often... a grill out on the back deck or just a conversation over chips and dip.  Who knows... maybe community is found with those people you'd least expect!  Maybe it's the person next door!

#hopeful  #idealist?  #JesuslovedmesomuchHegaveHimself  #blessingscloserthanwethink  #stilllovetwitter


  1. Mallory... I'm afraid you are the dear friend with awful pregnancy dermatitis. I know the Lord taught you things through that trial but I am sorry you had to experience it. Itchy, itchy. Love ya. So good what you shared about neighbors. It's fun to live in community with those living close by but I also am so thankful for Christian community too.

  2. Good neighbors trump a great house any day...and now you have both. God is good.
